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Writer's pictureSebastian Spindler

"Stevie The Wonderdog" - Thank You For All The Support!!!

(Stevie the Wonderdog)

This time there is a pretty special reason for the update of the blog "100Dogs"

Since Dita is alone in the dog sanctuary in Brazil, I am searching for more help and supporters in many ways. We are happy to got some good donations in the last 2-3weeks and want to say thank you and announce a very generous happening thnks to a very nice woman from Chicago and her well known dog "Stevie the Wonderdog". First of all I want to say a big thank you to the group of "Herzenslichter für Tiere" who gathered donations for 3weeks now for our project "100Dogs"!!!

All in all they gathered 1000,-€ donations in just 3weeks and we are very grateful for this effort and for all the donors in the group who made this possible!!!

Thank you very much for your support and for one full month of dog food! This is really great!!!

On my search for more help for our dog sanctuary that is really in a bad situation and even more worse conditions since some weeks of non stop rain and since Jade left the dog sanctuary, I got in touch with Jane, the mother of "Stevie the Wonderdog". She and her dogs live in Chicago and Jane has a huge heart for animals as she opened a merch online-shop for her dog Stevie who went viral with this video in 2021:

Stevie has a neurological disorder and his mom Jane is taking special care for him. Some of our dogs had similar issues after they got canine distemper and needed physio therapy to learn to walk again. Jane knows how heartwarming it is to take care for a dog with special conditions and she wants to share those happy Stevie-moments with the world.

Stevie and Jane want to help others as well and this makes them both to one big wonder. I really like the idea of doing for charity with the shop because it creates a useful and lovely cycle for all participants.

Jane and I had a video call last week after she saw my project for our street dog sanctuary in Brazil, and as she loves dogs as well, she connected her very beautiful idea about her online-shop to donate a part of the seller proceeds to projects that are about animal care. She saw the bad circumstances which we are living in right now and decided to donate the February proceeds from her online-shop to our project for street dogs in Brazil. We appreciate this a lot and are very thankful for this great idea itself and also that we got seen by her and she wants to help us!!!

It is a very good motivation for us to be seen with our dog sanctuary and it is also very helpful to have good contacts that have a huge heart for animals. That´s reason enough to make some advertisement for Jane´s&Stevie´s online-shop and ask as many people as possible to buy some nice t-shirt, a hoodie, a cup or one of the other beautiful items from "Stevie the Wonderdog" in order to help projects about animal protection. With one click you can buy some nice t-shirt and do something good for animal protection.

We would be very thankful if we can find some more monthly donors on this way and also want to support Jane´s online-shop to get more donations for other animal protection projects as well. Here is a link to Stevie´s and her online-shop, Instagram/Facebook and Youtube channel:

(click on the pic to open ´Stevie the Wonderdog Co´)

Every single item that is sold will help all involved and carries not only Stevie´s Joy, it also helps other animals to have a chance for a better life!

(Jane and Stevie)

Thank you very much Jane&Stevie, to got the chance to know you in personal and for the opportunity to get help for our heart project "100Dogs"!!!

I hope I can reach many people who would like to buy some item in your Stevie-shop to get some Stevie-Joy and help us in many matters. God bless you and all your beloved ones!!!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!

Also a big thank you to ALL the people who sent a single donation in the last 3weeks!!! It gives us a great feeling, deep emotional moments and motivates us one more time to go on with our heads a bit more up, encouraged to fight on for the life of so many dogs that deserve a safe place and a safe life. Though we are not able to build the new shelter in our own piece of land yet, the donations help us immensely to breathe and buy some food and items we need now in shelter that Dita can do some work a bit easier.

Weather we can not buy, but we hope for some sunny days in shelter finally because rain is a huge burden on top to do all work there alone as Dita is doing now since more than one month already.

To send a single donation or set up a monthly donation, here is the link to our Paypal for our dog sanctuary "100Dogs":


written February 11th | 2023


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