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Writer's pictureSebastian Spindler

Bad Aprils Fool

Today is April 1st, 2021, and I just got the news that a dog was abandoned in the illegal garbage dump in front of our yard. His condition is not good, he is paralyzed and scared, he certainly does not know what he did wrong and where he is right now. We call him "Fool".

The last few days it was very warm, sunny weather in the yard, but it is cold there today. Every time we take in abandoned animals - like this poor creature - we ask ourselves at the same time what diseases he has, how we can best help him quickly, whether we can afford it and how one can be so cruel to abandon an animal that has obviously barely managed to get to us by himself...

The people of the city know that our farm exists, but they don't know that we are not a public animal shelter. We can put up signs as we want, telling the people we talk to that we are private and not a delivery point, but in vain ... We are probably the last chance for many people to be able to expose their "beloved" dog in one place, where the dog has at least one more chance of a life. We don't know what to think of it, and for this reason it is important to us to leave the current area as quickly as possible in order to move our dogs into a more self-sufficient area that nobody knows.

written April 1st | 2021


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