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Writer's pictureSebastian Spindler


The story of BlauBlau is short and ends tragically. One evening Dita got a call from town asking for help. A small black dog lay hit in the street. Dita tried to convince the caller to bring the dog into the house from the street. After a while Dita got a bad feeling and called back to ask what happened to the dog. Because it started to rain and she feared that the guilty conscience of the caller is not as great as her own. That was the case, and when he called back, the caller told her that the dog was still lying on the street.

Dita couldn't believe it, but unfortunately we always have to realize that people are satisfied with it and calm their conscience by calling or looking for us when it comes to an injured, sick or abandoned dog. We are a private project, we help where we can, but logistically and financially, we repeatedly reach our limits. Dita went to the city in the dark and rainy weather in the evening, by feet, 8km to city, 8km back to our shelter and brought the injured young dog with her. Blue-Blue was obviously hit and suffered an open fracture on the upper foreleg. The bone stuck out and Dita did her best to tuck the bone back under the skin and straighten it to put on a supportive bandage. It's not easy without any aids, but she got the wound stitched up and put on a bandage. BlauBlau soon started playing with the other dogs.

When the incident happened, I was in Germany. But a few weeks later I went to the dogs shelter and got to know BlauBlau. Since we already had a dog with the name "Blue", we named the little injured one "BlauBlau". Her black fur always shimmered a little bluish, thats why the idea with the name. BlauBlau always stuck playfully and sounded like a little monkey. She was such a happy dog and due to playing her wound kept opening up. It didn't heal until she played a bit too rough again, or fell and the wound opened again.

(BlauBlau playing with a kid of Magrela)

One day BlauBlau was very calm, began to vomit and foamed at the mouth. We currently had no activated charcoal in the yard to protect dogs from possible poisoning. We could only guess that she was bitten by a spider or something. Unfortunately BlauBlau died within the next 16 hours. The death of a dog is never easy for us. The only thing that gives us a little consolation is to know that the dogs with us had at least a certain stability in terms of food and love before they go their last way. Every time a dog dies, we think about how we can do it better with the few resources we have. Or how we can get more financial resources to DO better. There are days when we remember all the dogs that have already passed away, and we always encourage each other to carry on and to enable the dogs a good life and, if possible, a good final journey.

written September 5th | 2021


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