Here is a short interim report to keep you up to date with our current options. As mentioned in the last blog, in May of this year we bought a car, a pickup, to enable us to work and reach the new country. After my return to Germany it was a bit haywire so far, due to the new place of residence and the job search, I didn't have much time to look after the website. However, things are slowly smoothing out, I have a new job, and thanks to a few donations, we were able to bridge the gap during my job search. I'm slowly getting back on a green branch.
Our current goal is to maintain the existing, old dog farm. For the time being, this task - with the associated additional costs - is big enough to be able to accomplish it alone or with a few donations from time to time. All construction work on the new dog farm has been postponed for this year and we can only take care of the planning, taking into account all old and new circumstances. We would like to thank all donors, including:
Peggy P.
Margitta P.
Silvana L.
Christine Sp.
Gudrun S.
Anita M.
Tassilo P.
Andrea G.
Stephanie Z.
Christine und Frank K.
Stephan Sp.
Katja Sp.
Kasya M.
DJ Whelpton
René D.
Adolya A.
Edivaldo S.
Warouj A.
André M.
Massimiliano Z.
Dana T.
Corinna L.
who have donated in the last 2.5 years and from all over the world. Special thanks to Susan M. who makes it possible to make a monthly donation. Thank you very much from all of us !!! :-) Without these donations it is hardly possible to keep the project going.
(Piko says "Thank You" as well!!)
(Menininha, Diesel, Pirata)
(big group in the yard)
(Brava waiting for breakfast)
(someone was playing too much with a porcupine)
(Meninâo and Mayo)
(frost, most probabaly a problem for the next decades)
(the last pups playing in the rain eaten ground)
(Pirata sleeping)
(Ana Rita) (Pacino)
(Pirata and Diesel cuddling against freezing)
(Brava and Menininha)
(Mozy wants to eat) (Pirata)
(Pirata has a cold and is catching some sun)
(Diesel and Ana Rita sharing a bed)
(Lu and Maria)
(Orca, her name was chosen for a reason...)
(Meninâo and Nega, dream team)
(cats in our dog shelter)
(Ana Rita)
(Meninâo and Mayo become friends)
(Diesel and Ana Rita)
(Ana Rita waiting for me)
(Pirata warming herself in the sun)
(Pirata wearing clothes from donations)
Since we cannot and do not always hope for private donations and cannot and do not want to, we are currently considering club work to possibly raise funds for the project. If you are interested in club work (active or passive), you are welcome to contact me via this page in the chat. There is a chat function and you can also become a member of this website. We are also pleased about this kind of support and interest. I am currently in the process of drafting the association's statutes, which hit the project in the heart and can support us in advancing the construction of the new dog farm.
written August 22nd | 2021