Dear fellow human beings, the circumstances caused by the Corona situation and now also the war scene in Ukraine with all it´s world economic consequences make it more and more difficult for us to maintain the dog shelter in Brazil. Not to mention building the new farm on our own new land to leave the catastrophic conditions and circumstances in the current sanctuary. Unfortunately, this is the reason for me, as the sole financier with limited resources, to start the "100Dogs - 1000People" campaign!
The aim is to find 1000 people who are willing to donate only € 1 per month so that we can maintain our dog farm and to be able to realize the currently high prices to cope with the monthly basic security for dogs and people on the farm.
We have created a Paypal donation account for "100Dogs" in Jades name.
This way donations can be made directly to Brazil.
It also allows supporters to get a feeling for how current exchange rates can quickly affect our situation.
(Ana Clara)
(Brava at vet)
The most important thing for this campaign is that this blog is shared by all people in order to achieve the greatest possible reach and to find these 1000 special people who would be willing to pay € 1 per month via PayPal to donate. The campaign should not run for life, but if possible for a fixed period of 2 years. During this period we would certainly be able to finance the money for the construction of the new dog farm from funds we have generated ourselves.
The dog yard, which we currently still run and maintain with great difficulty and necessity, is not only financially in danger, but can also be deprived of the land made available by the city hall in 2,5 years. Then the fate of the dogs would be sealed.
I therefore beg on my knees, share this blog. Talk to friends and acquaintances about it. Donate € 1 a month. This project is the only thing the dogs have and what keeps them alive!!! Donations can be made here in this blog using the blue button in the text above, or on the general start page of this website using the yellow "donation button". On the PayPal page, the option for a monthly donation is displayed right at the beginning.
written June 6th | 2021