(December 21st 2017: Menininha)
With the project “100Dogs” we are facing a wall. Unfortunately it's not the wall for our new building that we urgently need before it's too late for our 88dogs. It is an invisible wall that makes it simply impossible for us to find enough people who (can) support us for a certain period of time. Until the beginning of 2022, I was still in a positive mood about it, because people were doing well, DESPITE the corona pandemic and its nasty aisles that it pulled through society. Financially, most people were still fine and would have been able to donate. But now, everything looks different. Not only since these exaggerated demands from politicians - to wash with a washcloth, or to put on an extra sweater in winter to minimize heating costs - I've been doing exactly that to save as much money as possible for our dogs. I've been doing this voluntarily for years already.
(February 12th 2018: symbolic pic)
We're getting some support and we're very grateful for that!! Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this support is severely limited by the current situation that politicians and world events are giving us. Christmas is just around the corner, the "Festival of Love", and love is probably the only thing we have left in these times when the spirit of consumption again offers our project a wall that we somehow have to overcome. I myself haven't celebrated Christmas for a few years, you can think about it what and how you want. I'm doing this because I've been seeing and living in a consumer society for decades, which I just can't understand and feed anymore. It is a protest that leads to focussing on the essentials. And in all brochures of large corporations that is exactly the guideline to draw attention to Christmas. Christmas has lost its true spirit to the spirit of consumerism.
(November 6th 2017: symbolic pic)
I've spent not only Christmas, but also birthdays and New Year's Eve in Brazil at the dog sanctuary, out of conviction and sometimes even because I consciously flee from those days. I put flights on the exact day I was born so I don't have to celebrate that day. Why? Who am I? I can't feel good about celebrating my birthday if I'm not doing anything to help others. And even IF I help others with the funding of the dog sanctuary, when it seems unsuccessful or just stagnant and we're treading water, then I can't be happy, just as a puppet who wants to keep up appearances through acting.
There is a strong depressive force in me, in us, that wants to say that we don't know how many blogs there will be anymore, that can't say whether we'll finally be able to report something positive again. It robs me of the power to smile, it talks me out of ideas I want and need, to reach more people, to find more support.
(Dezember 28th 2017: Spike)
We are not a business, even if money is the most important thing for us at the moment to keep the dog sanctuary going, in days when buildings in the yard are collapsing and it is all the more difficult for us to patch them up, if at all. I'm sitting here in Germany and I see something positive collapsing bit by bit, and then there's nothing positive to report without having to lie. Since a long time I have noticed how easy it is to silence a call for help in this world. Most of the time only those who are already big enough “win” and mankind still questions “Why?”. Because small projects don't yield anything, don't have great advertising, because they don't shine in the fight for survival, because they can't and don't want to make false promises... As long as mankind does not understand that they should pay more attention to these small projects, it will continue to be a promising trend to strengthen large and non-transparent projects an companies. Until then, however, humanity does not have to ask itself why we are forgotten - as a small cog in the huge clockwork- and simply being dropped from the outstretched arms we are feeding with our will for consumption.
Ultimately, it is the consumer society that has led to animals (not just dogs) being on the price list and, true to the motto "nothing lasts forever", also being treated as consumer goods. If humanity accepts this, then man must also understand that he himself is a consumer good. No amount of esoteric, spiritual or religious wisdom, no matter how nice, can change anything about it, it only covers it up just like a painkiller covers up the pain.