(March 18th 2022: Piko at the vet in Paraisopolis)
There are always dogs in our shelter that are either ill, have chronic diseases or are declining so badly that we sometimes have to take them to a veterinary clinic.
We always try to take care of and treat the weak or sick dogs ourselves. But in some cases we have no choice but to visit a veterinarian, ultimately also to be able to explicitly determine what exactly the dogs are missing. There are many symptoms that could fit different diagnoses, and then require vastly different therapies.
This time we were very worried about Piko and Brava, Piko´s hind legs were stiff and he finally couldn't walk by himself. He was no longer eating properly, and due to his stiff legs, he could not urinate and defecate on his own, so there was often extra work to help him or shower him if he had no help using the toilet at night.
Piko's condition improved after the drug treatment prescribed by the vet. He was finally able to walk better again and go in and out to urinate on his own, or just to follow us because he wants to be a part of what we are doing.
With Brava it is more difficult...
(March 17th 2022: Piko couldn´t walk anymore, his legs were stiff)
(March 18th 2022: on the way to the vet with Piko)
(April 25th 2022: Piko can walk again)
Then Brava got worse too, she has a big tumor on her hind leg, which then burst open and bled profusely. We kept bandaging and anointing, but it didn't help. The surface then quickly became necrotic, which we were able to treat with a special ointment, but it didn't bring any healing.
(April 19th 2022: Brava has open tumor in her leg)
(April 23rd 2022: we are using a special ointment to solve the necrotic parts and prepare Brava for the visit at the vet)
We took Brava to the vet and were initially given medication to treat her anemia as it was not possible to remove the tumors on her leg beforehand. But the medication didn't work. When we had another vet appointment, the doctor determined the medication was ineffective and we sought another method to discuss why the medication was not responding.
Unfortunately, after an ultrasound examination, it was clear that Brava's cancer was already in the final stages, several organs were riddled with tumors and therapy was no longer possible. :-(
(June 6th 2022: Brava at ultra sonic exam)
(June 12th 2022: Brava)
Menininha also worried us, she has a chronic skin disease, sheds her fur when she is stressed, and has now lost one eye and is blind in the other eye. She's a dog that no one would choose if she were up for adoption at a shelter. You can't tell how tough she really is, but she was very emaciated and so we took her and Pelota (who had barbesiosis) to the vet.
Out of concern, we also took Menininha later for an ultrasound examination to be able to rule out cancer. Otherwise, in the worst case, drugs may not respond or even be counterproductive.
(April 26th 2022: Menininha has a nap after feeding)
(June 7th 2022: Menininha before ultra sonic)
(June 7th 2022: Menininha at ultra sonic exam)
A veterinarian in the clinic is kind to us and often only bills for a single hour of consultation, even if we show up with 3 dogs at once. Unfortunately, she can only do this if the big boss is not present or does the billing herself. We also really appreciate this support from our vet, as it has already saved us several 100 Reais. We bought appropriate medication for all dogs on site and cared for the dogs according to the plan. It often means organizational discrepancies when we have to provide more than 1-2 dogs with medication or bandages at the same time. The times have to be adhered to and often shorten the sleep of Dita, Jade and me, so that sufficient rest in life oi the dog shelter is very rare.
I often have to remind Dita that she has to take care of herself too. For almost 2 years she has had to take 4 pills a day for her heart condition. I got used to the fact that my alarm clock rings 4 times a day here in Germany to remind Dita in Brazil to take her medicine, otherwise she would often forget to take it or take it too late.
(April 22nd 2022: Brava at the vet)
Pelota and Meininha are now doing well again, and Piko has also responded positively to the drug treatment in the meantime and was able to walk better again and to move from A to B himself. But a few days ago Dita told me that his legs are getting stiff again and he is having trouble walking.
Not only are we very grateful to the friendly veterinarian for her support, we also owe a debt of gratitude to a nursing home for pensioners for their clothing donations. They run a second-hand store, and whatever they don't sell goes to our benefit. Dita, Jade and I dress ourselves there in shelter exclusively with clothes from the donations. When I flew to Brazil this time, however, I brought some clothes and blankets from Germany that a few friends had given us.
In our area (Minas Gerais) climate change is in progress. Last summer from October to February it rained far too often, too heavily and too continuously. Even the beginning of winter in May/June brings unusual low temperatures, so we are very grateful for the thick winter jackets of my friends!!
(April 25th 2022: the old people´s home which donates unsold second-hand clothes to us,
and food rests that are not used or invalid as well)
(old people´s home)
(March 4th 2022: clothes donation from old people´s home and some bananas from our piece of land)
(March 2nd 2022: some donations of friends that I could bring to Brazil,
some huge blankets as well)
The old people's home has recognized the hardship of the local people due to the severe economic consequences of the corona pandemic - now also because of the Ukraine war - and provides food that is either slightly spoiled or has passed the sell-by date. For free!
Yes, there are moldy tomatoes, the vegetables and fruits often don't look good, but you can still work out pieces that can be used. But no one else wanted to take advantage of the offer, so we now have a food donation from the nursing home once a week, which costs us some work, but at least no money.
The food donations were one of the reasons why I invested money in a freezer during my last visit. So we can still process and freeze the processed, usable food to eat it later. More and more often, delivery dates (e.g. the liver for the dog food) cannot be delivered as planned, and then we get two deliveries in one day. So far, however, we have not had space to freeze all packages in such cases until we can then process and feed them.
(March 16th 2022: food donations)
(March 16th 2022: left side we are making marmelade out of the donated apples,
right side we do some veggies for lunch)
There are numerous of such "small" problems, but they make the organization and our work so difficult that we are often at the end of our nerves. In addition, our water supply was sabotaged, a pump cable was visibly cut with a sharp blade. And when our neighbor, on whose property our well and the pump are located, informed us that he and other farmers in the vicinity had observed a nightly shooting aimed at our dog shelter, we were completely devastated with the question " Why?".
These are real problems and if I hadn't been woken up one night by 2-3 bangs and hadn't seen lights in the dark for myself, exactly where our neighbor had told us, I wouldn't have believed it myself.
In addition:
Unfortunately, animal welfare in Brazil is an issue that is either riddled with window dressing, flawed activism, or business hustle, or doesn't exist at all. It has become a machinery, as is sometimes the case in Romania, Bulgaria or other Eastern European regions.
So-called "animal welfare activists" often oppose those who are really actively doing something FOR the animals. Unfortunately, animal welfare has become an image, a sticker, a stamp that many are happy to put on their chests themselves, but don't want to pay the price for it like we do.
Being AGAINST something is easy, but doing something FOR it...
Finally, some good news from the farm, and also a big thank you to a few people whom I have not (yet) been able to personally thank for their support, such as E.g. Dietmar St. and Cornelia St.!
Many thanks to both of you, unknown to you, and also to my childhood neighbor Michael P., who made the first donation on the newly created betterplaceme profile ( https://www.betterplace.me/shelter100dogs ) !
Many thanks again to all supporters, especially to my parents, who support me in many ways!
Success stories like Areio's are only possible with your support. In February I reported about a new dog that had probably had an accident or had been abused and could only walk in circles with lot of pain. He was laid by side at our gates without any word. Even if we can't take any more dogs, we took care of him and see for yourself how happy he is now in the video.
(April 26th 2022)
written June 29th | 2022