(April 20th 2022: Branco and me at the bus station)
We've got more losses that pushes our backs against the wall. I wish we could present more positive news in a new blog, but unfortunately fate is not kind to us and partly also to our supporters. So far we have received meat donations 2-4 times a month from the supermarket in the town near our dog sanctuary, because the owner of the supermarket is a big animal lover and we can call her a friend. A very tragic and unexpected circumstance will in all likelihood mean that this supermarket will not be around much longer and that the meat donations will also cease. The owner's 14-year-old son was found lifeless a few days ago and the supermarket owner just can't deal with it and needs to do something fundamental to distance herself from this event. The boy also worked in the same supermarket, we often spoke to him and can't believe what happened there.
(July 5th 2022: Jennifer)
There are also other circumstances that put us, as a kennel, in danger of not being able to maintain the same for much longer if we don't quickly find more supporters who, true to our "100Dogs - 1000People" campaign, can reconcile with small but continuous donations. The donations of unusable food from the old people's home in the city have been completely eliminated for some time now. So far we don't know exactly why, but one thing is certain, these gifts have helped us a lot in saving money on our local groceries and living off leftover food. And that we now have an additional cost factor.
(June 4th 2022: Maria)
We don't know at the moment which financial item we should fill first out of necessity and which we should classify as secondary. Because basically we are already living on the edge and have no unimportant things that we can simply let go. The crisis situation that prevails worldwide has us firmly in its grip... If our hope were equated with a bank account, then one could say that we have been living far in the overdraft facility since months. I'm always thinking about how to increase our range to reach more potential supporters because we need them badly. We have already passed "red alert" by far, and I already find myself envying other animal rescue organizations for their followers and supporters, despairing at the question: How do they do it? There is only one solution to that, all of us who see and read this blog must help us to "simply" spread it.
(April 23rd 2022: Pirata)
As I write these words, I notice how much our dogs are taking a backseat as the main topic because our fear is pushing itself to the fore, and just sitting there and hoping that something will change in this situation soon seems crazy to me. We can STILL feed our protégés, but not more. We don't have enough money for medicines. Amigo very likely has bone cancer and can only enjoy his final months/weeks with medication, Menininha needs her medication for her skin disease regularly, and the fact that the buildings on our current dog shelter are slowly but surely collapsing also means that some dogs quickly get sick and need medication. The desire to bring you all some good news and the uncomfortable reality are having an argument and raging in all of us since weeks, wanting to flush our hope away and bring us down on our knees.
(July 30th 2022: Pitrika and Maria)
We know very well that all people are suffering from the current conditions worldwide. I started the "100Dogs - 1000People" campaign in advance, so that with very small contributions, together as many people, can do something good, even in bad times. What are 1-2€ a month for most of us? It's still money, but we wouldn't make our situation much worse, however, if many people could donate this, then overall our dogs would be saved. It still means a lot of work for us to do this, but it's easier for us when we experience support that gives us courage again in these times.
(August 15th 2022: Falante, Struppi and Lampiâo)